Nov 28, 2018

Such things are not acceptable for Sunny Liony with her instructor in the GYM

Sunny Liony spends most of her time working hard at the gym. To keep fit her body, Sunny has an instructor who works so hard on her in the gym that sometimes Sunny gets disturbed. He offers a range of exercises to keep the fit body from the sunny to the maintenance.

Sunny Liony and Lian

Sunny Liony had told in an interview that when she went to Cape Town in South Africa, her trainer Lian Wentzel had always kept her eye on them. During this time Sunny's food, drinking, sleeping and waking up and physical training all went along with him. Sunny Liony says that his trainer Lian Wentzel works hard on him. She is very lucky that she got a fitness instructor like Lian. Sunny has also shared a post & videos, exercising on her Instagram & twitter. This is a video in which Sunny appears to be pushing a large box.

Sunny is showing his life to push the box. Subsequently, Sunny shared another video in which she was appearing to do pushups. Also, after performing a pushup, she touches the dumpling closure.

Sunny Liony and Lian Wentzel

Sunny Liony doesn’t like pushups. Sunny wrote the captioning of the video - One thing in which I have a lot to hate that is Pushups.


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